Callum Oliver RIPA
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Cracked open with a good "hsst", pours a deep dark red, which almost looks black. Vigorous head which died down to a tan cap. The beer looks quite dark like a deep chocolate/mahogany but when held up to the light, that's when the magic happens. A ruby red, crystal clear beer, fantastic colour!
The aroma is more malt focused than hop. Dark stone fruit/raisin being the more dominant aromas, with a sweet malt back bone. The beer is a Red IPA, but I am not picking up much hop character at all. It is more malt focused with the hops hardly there at all. I would say from a aroma point of view this beer is more a red ale than Red IPA.
The mouth feel feels good, medium body with just a bit of stickiness to keep the malt flavours on the palate. Carbonation was quite vigorous when first opened, but settled into a subtle carbonation that lets the aromas and flavours linger on the palate.
As with the aroma, the beer is more malt orientated than hop. Nice smooth bitterness that eases into a lush malt flavour. Picking up raisin/plum/dark stone fruits with a sweet caramel and a bit of chocolate backbone. Hint of an alcohol sweet ness in the background, but a nicely balanced beer with initial bitterness.
I think this is a great beer, very complex but easy drinking. My biggest issues with the beer is that it is not a RIPA, it is not hoppy enough, but change the label and call it a red ale, then damn, now that's a different matter. The beer is smooth, good upfront bitterness to balance the malt sweetness that follows. Great malt flavours and easy drinking. Need I say more?
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