Homebrew Review First Impressions: Tubedinoz 100% Green Fresh Hop Pale Ale
Opens with a satisfying "hssst", pours a burnt orange with gold highlights. The beer is pretty much crystal clear with a mere hint of haze. Pours a pure white head with tight streaming bubbles. A great and refreshing looking beer.
Has the typical Nelson hop aroma, dank/grape funk/overripe melon/gooseberry with a hint of tropical fruit/tangerine. Which is backed up but a clean malt back bone. The nose is hop dominate and the Nelson hops really shine! No off flavours on the nose that I can detect, Just a clean/bright hop aroma and subtle malt back bone.
Mouth feel has a medium fell, with a nice dry finish that cleans the palate. The medium body gives some chewiness to balance the tingling hops. Great carbonation, tight small bubbles that give a tingle to the taste buds. The dry finish cleans the palate of the malts but leave a nice fruity flavour.
A crisp upfront bitterness, like fresh orange peel, which eases into a smooth malt, bready/biscuity and with a hint of caramel. Like the nose the hops are the main feature, dank/grape funk/overripe melon/gooseberry with a hint of tangerine. Nice dry finish with a fruity aftertaste. Leave the taste buds wanting more. Clean/crisp with bright hop flavours balanced with a malt sweetness/chewiness. Very refreshing and moreish!
This beer is a Nelson hop bomb. If you like the Nelson Sauvin hops this beer delivers. Dank/grape funk/overripe melon/gooseberry, clean bright hop flavours on both the nose and flavour. No off flavours, clean and crisp. The beer is more hop forward, but the malt backbone is balanced with the hop bitterness/freshness.
Fantastic and refreshing beer, going down so well. Overall a great beer! Makes me want to brew a beer with just Nelson!
First Impression's Video: